Description: West Virginia County Boundaries. Digitized off of USGS 1:24,000-scale Digital Raster Graphics (scanned topographic maps) by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. First published January 2002, updated with Census 2000 attribute data and re-published March 2005.Scale: 1:24000Extent: StatewideAttribute Information: Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes and 2000 Census data.Data Created: 2002Coordinate System: Latitude/longitude in decimal degrees (NAD 83) and UTM Zone 17 (NAD 83, NAD27).File Format: Compressed ESRI shapefile
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: USGS, WV Department of Environmental Protection
Description: Digitized off of USGS 1:24,000-scale Digital Raster Graphics (scanned topographic maps) by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. WVGISTC dissolved county boundaries to create state boundary. Published May 2002.Scale: 1:600Extent: StatewideData Source: U.S. Geological SurveyData Created: 2002Coordinate System: Lat/Long NAD 1983,UTM NAD 1983File Format: Compressed ESRI shapefile
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: Digitized by WVDEP. WVGISTC (WVTech) dissolved county boundaries.
Description: Ecoregions were originally designated by the U.S. Forest Service in 1978 to provide a general description of the ecosystem geography of the United States. Prepared by the U.S. Forest Service in February 2000. Reprojected to UTM83 by WVGISTC.
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: Prepared by the U.S. Forest Service in February 2000. Reprojected to UTM83 by WVGISTC.
Description: This dataset contains boundaries and detailed attributes for lands managed by the WV Division of Natural Resources for wildlife management. Many of these lands are owned by the WVDNR, but some are owned by other agencies (USFS, etc.) or private landowners and managed by the WVDNR by agreement. The producer of this data is the WV Division of Natural Resources (WV DNR).Scale: 1:24000Extent: StatewideAttribute Information: This dataset includes sixty-eight (68) attributes including name, owner, contact information, available facilities and attributes describing hunting, fishing and trapping opportunities.Data Created:2013Coordinate System: UTM Zone 17 (NAD 83)File Format: ESRI Geodatabase, ESRI ShapefileUseful links and related datasets: West Virginia Division of Natural ResourcesWildlife Management Areas (WVDNR)Nmonongahela National Forest Datasets
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: Questions or comments should be directed to Alicia R. Mein, of the WVDNR.
Description: National Forest Boundaries were developed by the United States Forest Service and aggregated as a part of USGS's Protected Areas Database, a subset of the National Gap Analysis project. There are several datasets available, each clipped to different extents or containing unique information. Each dataset is described below:National Forest Proclamation Boundaries, 2017. These data has been clipped to the West Virginia boundary and contains the full extents of lands within the Monongahela, George Washington and the Jefferson National Forests. Since these are proclamation boundaries, the forest service does not own all land within the boundary, but may operate within the area.National Forest Surface Ownership Boundaries, 2017. These files contain polygons of the lands within the proclamation boundaries of each forest that the USFS actually owns and/or manages.National Forests of the Surrounding Region, 2017. These files are the complete boundaries of the National Forests that abut or are proximal to West Virginia.
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: U.S. Forest Service
WV GIS Technical Center
Description: National parks. Existing or proposed boundaries for Bluestone National Scenic River, Gauley River National Recreation Area, and New River Gorge National River originated from deed descriptions located at the Land Resources Office, New River Gorge National River. Harpers Ferry National Historical Park boundary was extracted from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' (BTS) 2000 National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD-2000), version 2.0, release 0. This GIS coverage was originally created in November 2000, boundaries for Bluestone National Scenic River, Gauley River National Recreation Area, and New River Gorge National River were updated in September 2003 with new information from the National Park Service.
Description: National Forest Boundaries were developed by the United States Forest Service and aggregated as a part of USGS's Protected Areas Database, a subset of the National Gap Analysis project. There are several datasets available, each clipped to different extents or containing unique information. Each dataset is described below:National Forest Proclamation Boundaries, 2017. These data has been clipped to the West Virginia boundary and contains the full extents of lands within the Monongahela, George Washington and the Jefferson National Forests. Since these are proclamation boundaries, the forest service does not own all land within the boundary, but may operate within the area.National Forest Surface Ownership Boundaries, 2017. These files contain polygons of the lands within the proclamation boundaries of each forest that the USFS actually owns and/or manages.National Forests of the Surrounding Region, 2017. These files are the complete boundaries of the National Forests that abut or are proximal to West Virginia.
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: U.S. Forest Service
WV GIS Technical Center
Description: Subset coverage of Land Stewardship. State Parks were collected as part of the West Virginia Gap Analysis Project, a collaborative effort between West Virginia University's Natural Resource Analysis Center, the West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, and the Biological Resources Division of the US Geological Survey. Last revised in 2000.
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: WV Division of Natural Resources Natural Resource Analysis Center. Date created 2000.
Description: Political boundaries Congressional districts. 109th apportionment based on Census 2010 Redistricting Data. Information source: WV Legislative Services. Published Jan 2012.Attribute Information: Congressional District number
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: U.S. Census Bureau and WV Legislative Services
Description: House Districts created from the apportionments of 1990, 2000, and 2010. 2010 district boundary files were created from the State's Legislative Services 2010 redistricting plans and Census data using Caliper Corporation's Maptitude GIS software.Scale: 1:100000Extent: StatewideAttribute Information: House District number and demographic variablesData Created: 2012Coordinate System: Latitude/longitude in decimal degrees (NAD83) and UTM Zone 17 (NAD83).File Format: Compressed ESRI shapefiles
Description: Senate Districts created from the apportionments of 1990, 2000, and 2010. 2010 district boundary files were created from the State's Legislative Services 2010 redistricting plans and Census data using Caliper Corporation's Maptitude GIS software.Scale: 1:100000Extent: StatewideAttribute Information: Senate District number and demographic variablesData Source: WV Legislative ServicesData Created: 2012Coordinate System: Latitude/longitude in decimal degrees (NAD83) and UTM Zone 17 (NAD83).File Format: Compressed ESRI shapefiles
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: This data can not be sold without the permission of Legislative Services ( For further information contact Audrey Jo Vaughan, Redistricting Office, WV Legislative Services, Building MB-48 01, 1900 Kanawha Blvd E., Charleston, WV, 25305, phone 304/347-4826, e-mail
Description: Incorporated places are concentrations of population such as cities, towns, and villages, that have legally prescribed boundaries, powers, and functions. Incorporated Places were downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER/Line Shapefiles. The WV GIS Technical Center added population and demographic attributes from U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder.
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: Prepared U.S. Census Bureau in 2011. Reprojected to UTM83 by WVGISTC.
Description: Incorporated Places were downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line ShapefilesThe field PopCalcYear contains the year of the latest reported census estimateThe field PopCalc contains the latest census estimated population countThe field PopDecYear contains the year of the latest biennial census surveyThe field PopDecCount contains the latest official U.S. census population count
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: U.S. Census Bureau
Latest estimated survey data:$1600000&tp=true
Latest biennial survey data:$1600000&d=DEC+Demographic+Profile&tp=true
Description: The U.S. Census Bureau classifies as urban all territory, population, and housing units located within urbanized areas (UAs) and urban clusters (UCs). An urbanized area (UA) consists of densely settled territory that contains 50,000 or more people, while an urban cluster (UC) consists of densely settled territory that has at least 2,500 people but fewer than 50,000 people. Datasets are available below in two scales: 1:500,000 and 1:100,000.
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: Census 2000 WV subset coverage created by the WVGISTC from U.S. Census Bureau's Cartographic Boundary Files . Published 2002. The 1:100,000 scale dataset was prepared by the Natural Resource Analysis Center (NRAC)at West Virginia University, NRAC downloaded and manipulated the file from ESRI. These dataset was posted on the WV GISTC website in September 2003. The 1990 data is from the U.S. Bureau Transportation Statistics, Census, Published 1997.
Description: This dataset contains the WVSP troops and districts for each county in West Virginia. This dataset is provided as a cartographic reference dataset only. For full detachment details, visit
Service Item Id: c85d4cfd326b4a16ace5218c50bb5459
Copyright Text: Polygon layer created by the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT)
All data was obtained from the West Virginia State Police (WVSP) Detachments Webpage (
Description: The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. States and equivalent entities are the primary governmental divisions of the United States. In addition to the fifty States, the Census Bureau treats the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and each of the Island Areas (American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) as the statistical equivalents of States for the purpose of data presentation.