Description: Data is current as of September 09, 2023. Parcel feature showing all parcels belonging to WVDOT, WVDOH, State Rail Authority, Parkways, and Aviation Authority and other parcels where WVDOT and subordinate agencies facilities as extracted from the WV Parcel feature class from the West Virginia GIS Tech Center and State Tax and Revenue Authority Parcel feature showing all parcels belonging to WVDOT, WVDOH, Parkways, and other parcels where WVDOT and subordinate agencies facilities as extracted from the WV Parcel feature class from the West Virginia GIS Tech Center and State Tax and Revenue Authority. WVDOT, WV GIS Tech Center, West Virginia Department of Revenue
Service Item Id: 9e897bdb119948d0ba63efe7adc79864
Copyright Text: WVDOT, WV GIS Tech Center, West Virginia Department of Revenue
Description: This layer contains available industrial parks throughout West Virginia listed in the WV Development Office's real estate database. The coordinate system is UTM Zone 17 (NAD 83). The data was last updated in January of 2009. It was downloaded from the West Virginia GIS Technical Center Data Clearing House in July 2011 by the WVDOH GTI Section.
Service Item Id: 9e897bdb119948d0ba63efe7adc79864
Copyright Text: WV Development Office, West Virginia GIS Technical Center
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This layer contains known office buildings listed in the WV Development Office's real estate database. The coordinate system is UTM Zone 17 (NAD 83). The data was last updated in January of 2009. It was downloaded from the West Virginia GIS Technical Center Data Clearing House in July 2011 by the WVDOH GTI Section.
Service Item Id: 9e897bdb119948d0ba63efe7adc79864
Copyright Text: WV Development Office, West Virginia GIS Technical Center
Description: This service is updated for Tax Year 2023. This parcel data is provided as a public service, as is, as available, and without warranties, expressed or implied. Parcel information is prepared for the inventory of real property found within WV County jurisdictions and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public documents. Users are hereby notified that the aforementioned public record sources and County Assessors and Clerk offices should be consulted for verification of information. For questions about this data, this site has contact information.
Service Item Id: 9e897bdb119948d0ba63efe7adc79864
Copyright Text: WV GIS Tech Center, West Virginia Department of Revenue