Description: Locations reported to the US Department of Transportation and the US Department of Energy of Alternative Fuels Sites in West Virginia as of July 1, 2019. Data included in this set are all electric charging stations, E95 Dealers, Natural Gas Dealers, their locations, address , city, state, zip and contact information .
Service Item Id: eecdffd8de5f485aa06cf4c1fd5a2f49
Copyright Text: US Department of Transportation, US Department of Energy
Description: Data Dictobart of attribute table is located in: X:\ShapeFiles\MetaData_Thumbnails
Service Item Id: eecdffd8de5f485aa06cf4c1fd5a2f49
Copyright Text: WV Department of Transportation. 2008.
It should be noted that for Homeland Security purposes, certain security sensitive attributes were removed by the WVGISTC in March 2011, before publication. For more information or data authorization contact Jeff Gula at the WV Department of Transportation, Maintenance Division, Bridge Management Section.
Description: Feature class obtained from the US DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics. verified using West Virginia Tech Center Imagery and verified by Amtrak providing information on Amtrak Stations in WV. This includes all Station Codes, Name, Address , City, State, ZIP, Station Type, Station Amenities, Hours of Operation, Luggage Services, Parking, LAT and LONG, Data is Current as of 2021 and updated as needed
Service Item Id: eecdffd8de5f485aa06cf4c1fd5a2f49
Copyright Text: USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics, AMTRAK, WVDOT
Description: Physical Location of all Maryland Area Rail Commuter Stations in WV as obtained from a Data Set provided to us by Maryland Transit Administration. as of February 22, 2018. Data Included is Station Name, Address, Location, Number of Stations and Railroad Line, and X and Y Coordinates
Service Item Id: eecdffd8de5f485aa06cf4c1fd5a2f49
Copyright Text: Maryland Transit Administration, Maryland Imap Open Data Portal, WVDOT
Description: Linear location of all airport runways in West Virginia as collected from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and bureau of Transportation Statistics, Included in this datat set ae the Runway Markings, Length, Surace Type Base End marking,s Lighting, Grooved surface type, hazzards, Approach (ILS), Insepction and survey date, Airport Code, Facility Name
Service Item Id: eecdffd8de5f485aa06cf4c1fd5a2f49
Copyright Text: FAA., Bureau of Transportation Statistics,
Description: Data was collected to monitor the use and conditions of the sites on a "short-term" and "long-term" basis. For the "short-term" study, data was collected for five consecutive days at the facilities located along the Interstate routes during August 2009 and bi-weekly, as feasible for the individuals monitoring the sites, of all the Park and Ride sites for the "long-term" study beginning in September 2009.
Description: Annual Inventory of Railroad Crossings within West Virgina current as of January 1, 2022 as reported to the USDOT Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) as collected and maintained by West Virignia Department of Transportation GIS Programming Unit . These includes at grade, above grade, and below grade crossings. Including in this feature is the latase application update, crossing number, Reason, railroad , state, county in or near a city, city, street name, highway separte railroad trch, RR Division, Railroad Subdivision, branch name MP prefix, MP, MP Suffix, RR ID, Crossing parent and owner, crossing type, postion passenger, train type, develoment, adjacent crossings, private or public, quiet zone (no horn zone), Lat, Long, Source, Railroad use, railroad narriation, emergency number, railroad contact, state contact, crossing appliance and signage, road crossing attributes such as speed limit, highway functional class, routeid, road mile point, and highwaysystem,
Description: The Amtrak Rail Network is a comprehensive database of its Routes in West Virginia at 1:24,000 to 1:100,000 scale as of April 1, 2018 as compiled from the US DOT Bureau of Transportation Statics. These routes include the Capitol Limited and Cardinal . Detail Include Shape Length,m Railroad Operator, Railroad SubDivision, other the Railroad Using the Lines, Mileage, FRA Node ,etc
Service Item Id: eecdffd8de5f485aa06cf4c1fd5a2f49
Copyright Text: US Department Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Amtrak,